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Divorce is a major life decision, and people often put off meeting with an attorney for myriad reasons. The gravity of the situation doesn’t set in until you meet with an attorney, but when you do, you will realize that consulting with an affordable divorce lawyer in San Antonio is invariably better to do ASAP. Here is why:

Divorce is a long process

If you need a divorce attorney, contacting one as soon as possible will put this messy, convoluted process behind you sooner rather than later.

Consulting with a lawyer early enables you to anticipate the timeline of your proceedings. On average, divorces take 12 months from filing the divorce petition to finalizing judgment. However, if you go to trial, it can take up to 18 months.

Putting this emotional, draining process behind you as soon as possible requires consulting with an attorney early to understand your timeline and get a head start.

Divorce is expensive

Proactively meeting with attorneys helps save money and enables you to find a quality, affordable divorce lawyer in San Antonio, Texas. Divorces cost approximately $12,900 in lawyer fees and additional expenses.

If you anticipate a contentious divorce, costs increase significantly, especially if your case goes to trial. In these situations, meeting early with an attorney is critical to acquiring the best representation at the best price.

You need custom solutions

Consulting with a lawyer ASAP also ensures you receive tailor-made representation. The average person doesn’t know what details are pertinent.

Divorce lawyers guide you through the entire process, and the earlier you meet with them, the more time they have to probe and determine what facts are most important. The personal nature of the case requires getting comfortable with them, which takes time. You will discuss everything, including:

  • The state of your marriage
  • Your financial situation
  • Your relationship with your children
  • Taxes
  • Debt
  • Property
  • Marital transgressions
  • And more

Your lawyer needs time to assess your situation to provide successful representation and decide what is ideal for you, such as mediation, collaborative law,  negotiated settlements, or litigation.

You don’t know what can have legal effects

Finding an affordable family law attorney in San Antonio early is also important because you don’t know what can have legal repercussions, and it enables you to conduct yourself in a way that best benefits your case.

When you choose to initiate separation can offer a strategic advantage, and even informal custody plans and separating property can have far-reaching legal implications.

It protects your rights

Understanding and protecting your rights is imperative, but this often requires awareness of proceedings and court processes.

Conducting yourself appropriately as your divorce approaches is important because it impacts how property is distributed between you and your spouse, your child custody agreement, whether or not you receive alimony, and much more.

For example, if your spouse abuses substances, this can impact child custody. Your lawyer will likely recommend you take notes about how often they get drunk or high and acquire evidence. Compiling this evidence takes time.

Schedule a consultation now to see how we can help

If you are looking for affordable divorce lawyers in San Antonio, Texas, Tess House Law is the premier solution. Our passion is empowering clients to navigate these trying times to emerge stronger and ready to live their new happily ever after. People often don’t know what they’re entitled to, but we do, and we work around the clock to ensure you receive it. When your world feels like it’s falling apart, we help you keep it together. Schedule a free consultation now to learn more about our services.



Tess House Law

Author Tess House Law

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