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When you’re going through a divorce or custody battle, you want somebody who’s on your side until the dust settles. However, there are so many lawyers in the area that it can be challenging to find the one who’s right for you. At Tess House Law, we want to help, so our team has put together a few tips to help you find the best family law attorney in San Antonio, TX who’s right for you and your case.

Ask friends and neighbors

Most of us have a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who’s gone through a divorce or had to hire a family attorney for some reason. They can be one of your best resources when you start your search. Don’t hesitate to ask who they worked with, what their experience was like, and if they’d recommend their lawyer. People you know can be one of your best resources for finding representation in a family court.

Look online

You can always look online if you don’t know anyone who can refer you to a family law attorney. Google is a good place to start as most clients will leave reviews for their lawyers there. Be sure to read both good and bad reviews so you can get a complete picture of what it’s like to work with a specific attorney. Keep in mind that someone one client thought was a negative might be something you see as a positive. It’s all about your perspective.

In addition to search engines, Nolo and Avvo are sites similar to Yelp that are dedicated specifically to attorneys. You can find those who practice family law in your area and learn more about their practice and experience.

Meet with several attorneys

It’s not a good idea to hire the first attorney you meet with because you don’t have anything to compare them to. You might have an idea of what it’s like to work with an attorney, but you won’t know what you’re getting until you speak with a few. Interview at least three attorneys so you can compare their rates as well as their approach to your case.

Consider experience

Don’t hesitate to ask an attorney about their past experience. You can learn a lot about where they’re coming from with their philosophy for your case and find out if they’ve worked cases like yours. No, not all cases are the same, but if they’ve dealt with one similar to yours, they’ll be able to put together strong arguments on your behalf. An experienced lawyer has seen many things in their field and will have the knowledge necessary to represent you well.

Ask about their philosophy

Not all attorneys are going to have the same approach when it comes to working your case. Some attorneys prefer to negotiate and reach an agreement outside of court, and they’ll do whatever it takes to do so, which could mean you take some concessions you weren’t willing to at the beginning. On the other hand, you might find an attorney who’s willing to drag out your case as long as it takes to get the result you want, which can include going to court and letting a judge decide the outcome. Ultimately, you should find an attorney who’s willing to take the approach you want. If you want to push the envelope and take things to court, your attorney should be willing to do that for you.

Reach out to get started

If you’d like to learn more about how to find the best family law attorney in San Antonio, TX who’s right for you and your case, give us a call at Tess House Law. We specialize in many areas of family law and will work to fight for your rights. Get in touch by calling 210-249-2985 or sending a message using our contact form.


Tess House Law

Author Tess House Law

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